Youth Announcements 4/3/19

Good morning,

Thanks for all your hard work on our special music Sunday. You all did a great job. If you want to watch yourself, here's the link: We sing at 24:30. 

1) YES Groups tonight at 7PM. 

2) Friday Night Game Night is next Friday (4/12) from 7-9pm at our house (4109 Pennington Rd). Please bring a snack/game/dessert to share.

3) Service Opportunity: we have been asked to help set up for the Easter Sunrise Service Easter morning (4/21). We will have about 150 chairs that need to be set up outside, and will need a lot of help setting up. We will need to meet at the church at 6:15 that morning. Please let me know if you are available to help. 

4) Our next Mission Trip Meeting is next Sunday, 4/14 following the evening service. 

5) Be thinking of who you can invite to ALCATRAZ! I will have more flyers at church tonight. Here's the link to register. As always, rising 7th graders are welcome and encouraged to attend!

6) Mark your calendars for our Summer Kick-off Youth Activity 5/31. We will be going to the new Adventure Air Sports here in Rock Hill! Cost is $20/teen for 1.5 hours. Hope everyone can make it!

Pastor Drew